Wednesday, November 25, 2015

INGOs vs Government job

We are the people of the country where most of the educated people try to hold either INGOs or government job. They have their own perspective on which type of jobs to choose, INGOs or Government? May be this doesn’t applies to people who holds other job or is jobless and wish to choose any of them. Nevertheless, they may somewhat be biased.
INGOs and government job has its own pros and cons. Priority you give for pros of which type matters for choosing one of them. The goal you set in your life really plays a vital role in determining the benefits of each of them for you. It is my personal belief that unless you destroy your creativity being energetic you shall always move forward to reach your targeted goal. No matter which type of job you hold.
For being success in life money really matters. Money attracts money. INGOs jobs varies often has a greater scale of salary than that of government. However, government job holders earns far more than job holders in INGOs. You should have already known what am I taking about? Yes, its corruption. Government job here is severely polluted due to corrupted system. Even if you are clean in the matter corrupted system will surely ruin you. Further, you are going to be money minded. One thing you learn for the senior staff is how to corrupt and another thing is you are not going to get anything for sure unless you become more talented than them. In this learning process, you should have already forgotten the way of being creative and energetic in doing the job. You will only have the habit of sleeping and waiting for end of the month to receive the untimely paid salary. You can earn more but you cannot sleep well. The corrupted wealth will always burns you and if you are caught once your life gets ruined. On the other hand, you can never retain your INGOs job sleeping and talking, you must work. There will be less chance of being your creativity destroyed. You become more energetic, laborious and also get motivated by the timely paid salary. No matter you earn less income than government one you can sleep well. Your white money will never torture you and never act as hindrance to achieve success in your life because you can always raise your head in mass and act bold. However, INGOs job also has its own cons. You can hardly earn a fame greater than government job holders. You will be deprive of power due to which your voice is deemed in corrupted system of the country.  You will certainly receive less facility than that of others. On the other hand, government job holders can use their power to get the services easily.
Which job you choose depends on the way you think and how you choose to fulfill your goal, either it may be money or it may simply be sound sleep. Nevertheless, it’s up to you choose the best you think.


  1. Replies
    1. Thankyou! sir. Also for giving time to read.

    2. Thankyou! sir. Also for giving time to read.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. From the things i always hear, here and there, it may be true Chetan, everything you've illustrated in this post.

    Just like to add one thing regarding getting bored and losing creativity in jobs.

    I think its totally a personal thing. Rather than job, i think it depends on personal push up for oneself. Cheers!!!

    1. Yes, of course! Personal willing really matters. But I mean to say, the environment you get side by side with your job plays a vital role in empowering you to retain your creativity. Unlike other lazy and polluted job holders we can sure create such environment wherever we are. So cheers!!!
