Sunday, September 6, 2015

Experience of Time travel from East to West

Einstein’s theory of relativity, Stephen-Hawking’s Nobel ‘Theory of Everything’ and other great scientists theory have explained about time travel. Nepal geographically varies about 15 minutes in time but I have an experience of 15 years of time travel. I have experienced it and might other working in remote part have experienced it too. My story goes like this.
I was born in Jhapa located at the bottom east of the country. It is recognized as one of the developed city comparing other cities within the country. I am a Civil Engineer and now working at the remote part of the remotest zone, west of Nepal. It’s the district Jumla, the headquarter of Karnali, quite developed but is limited within the district HQ khalanga. I have been working here since last six months in the development sector stickily on maintenance of rural road.  Meanwhile, I also have had a chance to visit the remotest part of the district. Traveling is one of the best way of learning, I felt it.  I knew how important role a road plays in development and this is the development which lets you feel as if you had traveled with time.

I was on the field visit to Dillichaur-Chummchaur rural road accompanied by Intern Engineer. After the full day site inspection we stayed at one of the User committee member’s house. He is recognized as one of the richest person in the village. At night after launch he switched on the television for watching films. I was also watching it with keen interest because it had been almost five months I hadn’t got chance to watched it. Meanwhile, when I turned back a group of kids nearby houses had already sat in row, quiet and innocent. They had a fear, if they made noises the house owner would turn off the television. They are not concerned with which channels they are watching, they just need to watch anything displays on the screen. This was the same situation, I had already seen before 15 years ago at my home Jhapa. I felt I had traveled 15 years back in time.

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